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IntuitiveHeal Blog

The Latest Musings from the SoulPOV (Soul Point Of View)
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Main Central Vertical Harmonizes Everything
Jin Shin Jyutsu®
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February 17, 2022 11:57 AM

The Main Central Vertical (MCV) flow and self-help from the ancient healing art of Jin Shin Jyutsu harmonizes everything physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. In this post, I discuss specific projects harmonized by MCV and how to apply MCV.

Stroke of Luck plus Intuition
Jin Shin Jyutsu®
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July 9, 2020 7:26 AM

About three weeks ago, my 56-year-old physically fit husband experienced paralysis of his right side following a stroke. Today it's like his stroke never happened.

Go Be Brilliant
Soul Evolution
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June 18, 2020 6:04 AM

Difficult times require us to be and do differently, both as individuals and collectively. Racism, the pandemic, the #metoo movement, and other local, national, and global crises ask us to bring every aspect of our brilliant selves front and center.

Let's Raise Our Immunity as a Community
Jin Shin Jyutsu®
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March 25, 2020 7:13 AM

Some Jin Shin Jyutsu self-helps for managing emotions, enhancing immunity, and supporting our lungs. Also, I'm hosting free Immunity in Community gatherings.

Open Your Heart
Jin Shin Jyutsu®
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February 29, 2020 10:31 AM

Harmony begins with an open heart. How can you invite more open-heartedness and thus deeper connections?

From Self-Conscious to Soul Conscious
My Journey
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February 10, 2020 3:53 PM

I love watching my own videos, as odd as it sounds. When I hear other people criticize their own videos, I remember what it was like to be hard on myself but I'm also struck by how far I've shifted from self-conscious to soul conscious.

Let's Get Present
Akashic Records
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January 7, 2020 9:28 AM

This year I found my word of the year in my Akashic Records. It amuses me I sometimes forget I have this vast soul resource I can access whenever I want. This reminds me to stay present.

From Crappy Holidays to Happy Holidays
My Journey
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December 26, 2019 11:46 AM

Holiday traditions need to evolve as we do. People pleasers especially need to pay attention to their inner landscape to explore what does and doesn't resonate in present time.

Get Unstuck and Return to Flow
Soul Evolution
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May 13, 2019 11:21 AM

Flow and change never end. You're always growing and evolving even when it looks and feels like you're stuck. Sometimes movement requires surrendering to life or else implementing an aligned action so you can rejoin the flow.

Relaxed or Taxed?
Jin Shin Jyutsu®
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March 24, 2019 8:11 AM

Most people find tax time taxing! Let's get curious about what causes tax stress and how to harmonize it with Akashic Records wisdom, grounding, plus Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help holds.

Play: Embrace Fun and Funny
Jin Shin Jyutsu®
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June 1, 2016 3:59 PM

“Play: Maximize every moment of aliveness. Experience pleasurable involvement in all your activities and enjoy what you are doing. Have fun!” *Play quotes from The Original Angel Cards Book by Kathy Tyler and Joy Drake.

Rest: Relax to Refresh and Restore
Akashic Records
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May 24, 2016 4:00 PM

Like most people, I only take an extended rest when forced.

Inhaling to Integrate My Evolution
My Journey
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May 3, 2016 4:04 PM

From Jin Shin Jyutsu® acupressure, we know harmony begins with the breath. Balanced exhale and inhale, as well as other forms of giving and receiving, support health and awareness.

Adventure: Open to the Unexpected
Jin Shin Jyutsu®
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April 12, 2016 11:10 AM

A sense of adventure allows you to embrace the unknown and open to what's possible. Release agendas and holding, be curious, and absorb life's richness.

Wisdom: When You Know What You Know
My Journey
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April 5, 2016 4:05 PM

I learned to revere my intellect and discount the rest of my body-mind. Know what you know and what you don’t.

All Blog Posts

Main Central Vertical Harmonizes Everything
Jin Shin Jyutsu®
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February 17, 2022 11:57 AM

The Main Central Vertical (MCV) flow and self-help from the ancient healing art of Jin Shin Jyutsu harmonizes everything physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. In this post, I discuss specific projects harmonized by MCV and how to apply MCV.

Stroke of Luck plus Intuition
Jin Shin Jyutsu®
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July 9, 2020 7:26 AM

About three weeks ago, my 56-year-old physically fit husband experienced paralysis of his right side following a stroke. Today it's like his stroke never happened.

Go Be Brilliant
Soul Evolution
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June 18, 2020 6:04 AM

Difficult times require us to be and do differently, both as individuals and collectively. Racism, the pandemic, the #metoo movement, and other local, national, and global crises ask us to bring every aspect of our brilliant selves front and center.

Let's Raise Our Immunity as a Community
Jin Shin Jyutsu®
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March 25, 2020 7:13 AM

Some Jin Shin Jyutsu self-helps for managing emotions, enhancing immunity, and supporting our lungs. Also, I'm hosting free Immunity in Community gatherings.

Open Your Heart
Jin Shin Jyutsu®
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February 29, 2020 10:31 AM

Harmony begins with an open heart. How can you invite more open-heartedness and thus deeper connections?

From Self-Conscious to Soul Conscious
My Journey
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February 10, 2020 3:53 PM

I love watching my own videos, as odd as it sounds. When I hear other people criticize their own videos, I remember what it was like to be hard on myself but I'm also struck by how far I've shifted from self-conscious to soul conscious.

Let's Get Present
Akashic Records
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January 7, 2020 9:28 AM

This year I found my word of the year in my Akashic Records. It amuses me I sometimes forget I have this vast soul resource I can access whenever I want. This reminds me to stay present.

From Crappy Holidays to Happy Holidays
My Journey
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December 26, 2019 11:46 AM

Holiday traditions need to evolve as we do. People pleasers especially need to pay attention to their inner landscape to explore what does and doesn't resonate in present time.

Get Unstuck and Return to Flow
Soul Evolution
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May 13, 2019 11:21 AM

Flow and change never end. You're always growing and evolving even when it looks and feels like you're stuck. Sometimes movement requires surrendering to life or else implementing an aligned action so you can rejoin the flow.

Relaxed or Taxed?
Jin Shin Jyutsu®
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March 24, 2019 8:11 AM

Most people find tax time taxing! Let's get curious about what causes tax stress and how to harmonize it with Akashic Records wisdom, grounding, plus Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help holds.

Play: Embrace Fun and Funny
Jin Shin Jyutsu®
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June 1, 2016 3:59 PM

“Play: Maximize every moment of aliveness. Experience pleasurable involvement in all your activities and enjoy what you are doing. Have fun!” *Play quotes from The Original Angel Cards Book by Kathy Tyler and Joy Drake.

Rest: Relax to Refresh and Restore
Akashic Records
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May 24, 2016 4:00 PM

Like most people, I only take an extended rest when forced.

Inhaling to Integrate My Evolution
My Journey
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May 3, 2016 4:04 PM

From Jin Shin Jyutsu® acupressure, we know harmony begins with the breath. Balanced exhale and inhale, as well as other forms of giving and receiving, support health and awareness.

Adventure: Open to the Unexpected
Jin Shin Jyutsu®
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April 12, 2016 11:10 AM

A sense of adventure allows you to embrace the unknown and open to what's possible. Release agendas and holding, be curious, and absorb life's richness.

Wisdom: When You Know What You Know
My Journey
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April 5, 2016 4:05 PM

I learned to revere my intellect and discount the rest of my body-mind. Know what you know and what you don’t.

Presence: The Gift You Give Yourself
Jin Shin Jyutsu®
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March 29, 2016 4:05 PM

Presence means you embody and empower your authentic self. When you let go of any facade created to make yourself look better to yourself or to others, you liberate yourself.

Invite Support By Asking For What You Want
Akashic Records
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March 22, 2016 4:07 PM

Many of my readers and clients learned to prioritize others over themselves. Even when offered assistance they may decline it, feeling they must sacrifice for the “greater good.” Yet sacrifice and greater good oppose each other. 

How to Obey Your Highest Authority
Akashic Records
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March 15, 2016 10:20 AM

With every thought you have, word you speak, and action you take, you obey something or someone. When you obey yourself and not external authority or outdated beliefs, your true self is the part of you in charge.

Accept Your Difficult Emotions, Love Yourself
Intuitive Healing
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March 8, 2016 11:26 AM

Negative emotions alert you to what needs loving care. Accept the emotional energy to keep it in motion, to invite more loving-kindness for self & others.

Birth New Opportunities and Perspectives
Akashic Records
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February 29, 2016 11:23 AM

You can birth new ideas when you learn and connect or when you release and allow. New forms often arise out of the old.

52 Posts To Invite Joy, Peace, and Freedom
Akashic Records
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February 22, 2016 11:28 AM

Welcome to my third 52 post blog summary. Reaching this milestone again startles me as much as the first two times especially in view of the challenges I faced this blogging year.

Finding Meaning: Create a Meaning-Full Life
Akashic Records
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February 19, 2016 11:30 AM

Note: this is the cover post for the February 21, 2016 Twitter chat #SpiritChat which would normally appear on Kumud Ajmani’s blog. Please see the chat details in the last paragraph.

Exploration: Expand Your Knowing
Akashic Records
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February 15, 2016 11:31 AM

“Exploration: Investigate the possibilities. Cultivate curiosity and interest. Go beyond the known and familiar. Ask provocative, open-ended questions and anticipate remarkable, refreshing answers.”*

Invite Joyful Harmony Breath by Breath
Jin Shin Jyutsu®
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February 8, 2016 11:32 AM

According to Jin Shin Jyutsu® (JSJ) Japanese acupressure, every health project or disharmony arises from problems inhaling, exhaling, or both. When the JSJ instructors discuss breathing they refer to the “Big B” Breath and the “little b” breath.

What If It Isn’t A Sign?
Akashic Records
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February 1, 2016 11:34 AM

While life experiences contain meaning and potential lessons, interpreting life events as “signs” can lead you away from your soul-level trajectory.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does a typical Energy Quartet session go?

We open with a 45 minute or so Akashic Records consultation. The revealed themes, patterns, and disharmonies drive the table work in conjunction with your "pulses," body reading, and my intuitive insights. A follow-up e-mail documents what occurs during the energy work and includes customized self-helps.

What should I wear to receive table work?

In this work, you remain fully clothed. Just wear whatever will feel comfortable while lying on my massage table. If it's a remote session, I'll ask you to rest while I send energy.

How do I prepare for a session?

Please consider the personal or interpersonal disharmony that led you to me and how you would like it to shift. During the session, we'll explore and address the origins and drivers of each "project."

Are the Akashic Records predictive?

No, the records aren’t a good resource for predictions. If there’s something you hope will happen, the records might reveal a series of necessary steps to reach your desired outcome but not the timing. For predictions, please consult a good psychic or astrologer!

Why can't children receive Akashic Records consultations?

Minors are under their parents' legal and energetic jurisdiction until they are 18, regardless of their maturity level.


The greatest benefit occurs when I incorporate all four modalities I practice. The option without the Akashic Records is appropriate for children under 18 who cannot receive readings. A stand-alone reading can bring insight and healing but does not involve my direct interaction with your energetic and physical bodies like my other practices.

Do you record Akashic Records consultations?

No, but you are welcome to record sessions yourself.

Why do self-helps?

Self-helps, both from Jin Shin Jyutsu and the Embodied Energy System, support your continued harmony, accelerate your evolution, and empower you. Plus they make you sparkly!