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Open Your Heart

Saturday, February 29, 2020
Written by:
Christy Johnson, Ph.D.
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Video transcript

Hello everyone, Christy Johnson here. If you've been following my work, you're aware that I've been creating a five-part series around things you might adopt or drop to help us have more harmonious relationships. That includes not complaining, not criticizing, not arguing, accepting everyone, and also being excruciatingly polite, patient and polite.And I realize all of those things link back to being open-hearted. And that's really what's key here in our relationships. And so how do we become more open-hearted? One way is to recognize that all of us share common wants and needs - to be seen to be heard, to be loved and so on.

But another way is through the use of the healing art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, one of the things I practice, and I would highly suggest using the Lung flow, the Lung self-help will support creating boundaries, both internally and externally. And that actually helps us feel safer in the world, not as a protection, "Oh oh, stop," but as in a containment. This is who I am and how I am and what's important to me - that helps us feel safer. And then we can relax and be more open-hearted. The Lung is great for many other things, including immunity, which is really important in these times, but it also is really very good for helping us become more ourselves. So I'll show you how to do that self-help. There's no time limits on these self-helps.

You, for the Lung flow, use two hands. one goes directly under the collarbone and the other goes at the base of your ribs on the same side. You're basically hugging your lung and then you do the opposite on the other side, one hand directly under the collarbone and the other hand at the base of the ribs. Holding these can help you raise your vibration in a concrete way, not just in a "raise your vibration!" way, but in a way that you can actually evolve and grow and become more of who you are. So for helping to become more open-hearted and that in turn creating more harmonious relationships, I suggest using the Jin Shin Jyutsu Lung self-help. I look forward to seeing you in the next video.

Blog post

Recently I created five videos based on the ideas in Margaret Nash's book, Drop the Drama! How to Get Along With Everybody, All the Time, which she adopted from the work of Brian Tracy.

The Five Adopt or Drop quotes and videos based Margaret Nash's book Drop the Drama!

"Never, ever complain. No one likes a complainer. If you complain all the time, people will avoid you. Drop it." Video 1

"Never, ever criticize. Nobody likes it and nobody appreciates it. Drop it." Video 2

"Never, ever argue. It won't change anyones' mind and you will just cause offense. Drop it." Video 3

"Accept everyone. Just let them be. Don't try to change anyone. Adopt this." Video 4

"Be excruciatingly patient and polite with everyone. Adopt this. It works." Video 5

How might we stop complaining? While I'm not a fan of "just be positive," it does help to look for what pleases you and not exclusively focus on what doesn't. Plus there's a perception that complaining, also known as commiserating, brings closeness but it creates an energy of repulsion and rejection, which creates distance.

What's the alternative to criticism? Nobody loves a critic, do they? The alternative is to release our desire to be helpful if it means we have to be hurtful to do it. We are fragile creatures who appreciate love and encouragement.

How can we sidestep arguing? Arguing means we want to win and we want to be right. I had a good laugh recently when someone criticized one of my tweets on Twitter because I realized I thought if I could just persuade him that I was right and he was wrong, we wouldn't have a conflict any more. I quickly realized the other way to avert conflict is to not engage. Who knew?

How can we accept people even when their behaviors range from irritating to reprehensible? Accepting means "this is who they are," not "oh, I just love this about them." Either who they are works for us in our lives, or we can negotiate changes that allow it to work, or we can let them go. People aren't cars, we can't fix them.

How can we be excruciatingly patient and polite? Impatience is a form of anger, of "I don't want this!" The more we repeat this to ourselves, the harder it is to tolerate whatever's happening.

As described in the video, applying the Lung self-help supports open-heartedness. Also, when we enter the heart of the Akashic Records using Dr. Linda Howe's Pathway Prayer Process®, the energy of love and acceptance surrounds us and invites us to make peace with ourselves, others, and our lives. If you haven't explored Dr. Howe's books and or had a reading with a practitioner like me yet, I highly recommend you explore this.


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Frequently Asked Questions

How does a typical Energy Quartet session go?

We open with a 45 minute or so Akashic Records consultation. The revealed themes, patterns, and disharmonies drive the table work in conjunction with your "pulses," body reading, and my intuitive insights. A follow-up e-mail documents what occurs during the energy work and includes customized self-helps.

What should I wear to receive table work?

In this work, you remain fully clothed. Just wear whatever will feel comfortable while lying on my massage table. If it's a remote session, I'll ask you to rest while I send energy.

How do I prepare for a session?

Please consider the personal or interpersonal disharmony that led you to me and how you would like it to shift. During the session, we'll explore and address the origins and drivers of each "project."

Are the Akashic Records predictive?

No, the records aren’t a good resource for predictions. If there’s something you hope will happen, the records might reveal a series of necessary steps to reach your desired outcome but not the timing. For predictions, please consult a good psychic or astrologer!

Why can't children receive Akashic Records consultations?

Minors are under their parents' legal and energetic jurisdiction until they are 18, regardless of their maturity level.


The greatest benefit occurs when I incorporate all four modalities I practice. The option without the Akashic Records is appropriate for children under 18 who cannot receive readings. A stand-alone reading can bring insight and healing but does not involve my direct interaction with your energetic and physical bodies like my other practices.

Do you record Akashic Records consultations?

No, but you are welcome to record sessions yourself.

Why do self-helps?

Self-helps, both from Jin Shin Jyutsu and the Embodied Energy System, support your continued harmony, accelerate your evolution, and empower you. Plus they make you sparkly!