Soul teachers appear in your life to help you master particular soul level challenges. Most of us love this idea in the abstract but may squirm when someone seems more like an obstacle to our peace and happiness than a helper. Yet difficult people can lead to greater ease once you learn the underlying lesson(s).
Often people just want to know the lesson so they can master it. Some life themes and lessons include moving from "no choice" to choice, experiencing or offering unconditional love, finding your voice, building trust and self-trust, accepting your humanness and releasing perfectionism, developing self-love, inviting forgiveness of self and others, and cultivating abundance. More potential lessons appear in my Jin Shin Jyutsu® Safety Energy Lock prayer, shown in the left sidebar of this page.
Most people work on multiple themes in a given lifetime, usually in conjunction with others exploring aspects of the same lessons. Luckily you don't need to know the lesson in advance, often the nature of the lesson reveals itself upon completion. Soul lessons take time, often an entire lifetime or more. While this might sound discouraging, soul lessons also last. You never become less evolved, you always move forward.
Our minds want to find and fix the problem but our souls seek harmony and wholeness, knowing the universe brings us what we need when we need it. Every soul teacher leads us toward what our soul desires, not necessarily what our minds want.
What themes and lessons mentioned here jump out at you? Does mastery feel more satisfying when it comes easily or when it grows over time?
This year I found my word of the year in my Akashic Records. It amuses me I sometimes forget I have this vast soul resource I can access whenever I want. This reminds me to stay present.
Like most people, I only take an extended rest when forced.
Many of my readers and clients learned to prioritize others over themselves. Even when offered assistance they may decline it, feeling they must sacrifice for the “greater good.” Yet sacrifice and greater good oppose each other.
We open with a 45 minute or so Akashic Records consultation. The revealed themes, patterns, and disharmonies drive the table work in conjunction with your "pulses," body reading, and my intuitive insights. A follow-up e-mail documents what occurs during the energy work and includes customized self-helps.
In this work, you remain fully clothed. Just wear whatever will feel comfortable while lying on my massage table. If it's a remote session, I'll ask you to rest while I send energy.
Please consider the personal or interpersonal disharmony that led you to me and how you would like it to shift. During the session, we'll explore and address the origins and drivers of each "project."
No, the records aren’t a good resource for predictions. If there’s something you hope will happen, the records might reveal a series of necessary steps to reach your desired outcome but not the timing. For predictions, please consult a good psychic or astrologer!
Minors are under their parents' legal and energetic jurisdiction until they are 18, regardless of their maturity level.
The greatest benefit occurs when I incorporate all four modalities I practice. The option without the Akashic Records is appropriate for children under 18 who cannot receive readings. A stand-alone reading can bring insight and healing but does not involve my direct interaction with your energetic and physical bodies like my other practices.
No, but you are welcome to record sessions yourself.
Self-helps, both from Jin Shin Jyutsu and the Embodied Energy System, support your continued harmony, accelerate your evolution, and empower you. Plus they make you sparkly!