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Jin Shin Jyutsu®

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Eyesight, Insight, Foresight

Monday, February 17, 2014
Written by:
Christy Johnson, Ph.D.
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Eyesight, insight, and foresight relate to one another in Jin Shin Jyutsu® (JSJ) Japanese acupressure. These three “sights” contribute to your overall vision in life on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels, all of which contribute to clear seeing and knowing.  What you see with your eyes depends upon your vision but also your focus, your interpretation of what you see, plus any significance you attach to it.

Safety Energy Lock (SEL) 2 supports your physical eyesight.  It also improves inhaling and addresses everything in your physical body.  “Taking it all in” with your eyes parallels filling your lungs with oxygen, receiving everything available to you.  SEL 2 also relates to alignment, physical and otherwise.   Nearsightedness and farsightedness represent alignment issues, affecting your focal plane.

In the mental body realm, Safety Energy Lock 11 improves insight by moving you toward “Oh, I see now!”  SEL 11 also assists with unloading the burdens of past and future which frees mind space to perceive more swiftly and accurately.  An unencumbered mind allows you to process, prioritize, and record the visual information you receive.

Finally, in the spiritual aspect, Safety Energy Lock 20 supports your third eye knowing or foresight.  Your inner eye creates another kind of vision, a way of receiving information from a spiritual vantage point.  It also puts the information you receive in a larger context, connecting you to your higher consciousness.

A numerology side note: the pertinent SELs for vision discussed here each represents a “2.” To obtain the numerology base number, you add the individual digits in a number, thus for eleven you add one plus one, reducing it to a two.  Likewise, twenty becomes two plus zero, also a two.

How have your eyesight, insight, and foresight prevented regrets in hindsight?  Or is hindsight indeed the clearest vision of all?


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Frequently Asked Questions

How does a typical Energy Quartet session go?

We open with a 45 minute or so Akashic Records consultation. The revealed themes, patterns, and disharmonies drive the table work in conjunction with your "pulses," body reading, and my intuitive insights. A follow-up e-mail documents what occurs during the energy work and includes customized self-helps.

What should I wear to receive table work?

In this work, you remain fully clothed. Just wear whatever will feel comfortable while lying on my massage table. If it's a remote session, I'll ask you to rest while I send energy.

How do I prepare for a session?

Please consider the personal or interpersonal disharmony that led you to me and how you would like it to shift. During the session, we'll explore and address the origins and drivers of each "project."

Are the Akashic Records predictive?

No, the records aren’t a good resource for predictions. If there’s something you hope will happen, the records might reveal a series of necessary steps to reach your desired outcome but not the timing. For predictions, please consult a good psychic or astrologer!

Why can't children receive Akashic Records consultations?

Minors are under their parents' legal and energetic jurisdiction until they are 18, regardless of their maturity level.


The greatest benefit occurs when I incorporate all four modalities I practice. The option without the Akashic Records is appropriate for children under 18 who cannot receive readings. A stand-alone reading can bring insight and healing but does not involve my direct interaction with your energetic and physical bodies like my other practices.

Do you record Akashic Records consultations?

No, but you are welcome to record sessions yourself.

Why do self-helps?

Self-helps, both from Jin Shin Jyutsu and the Embodied Energy System, support your continued harmony, accelerate your evolution, and empower you. Plus they make you sparkly!